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Everything posted by Matt72

  1. Please can anyone help me with my 2007 frv that has noisy front suspension when driving along over slightly uneven ground. From both sides directly under where your feet are. Possibly anti roll bar main mounts. No free play in any ball joints etc. Unable to check for movement when on the ground as very little space. Ideally need a 4 poster ramp so it stays at road going height but garages won't do it for less than a hours labour time. Has anyone had the same issues with noise. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hi. It's definitely not coming from the window/door seal. It's from the windscreen and little panel of glass area. Very frustrating as it only happens over 60mph so very difficult to figure out what is causing the problem. Thanks.
  3. Hi. I've recently purchased a 2007 FRV automatic petrol and at around 60mph from the off side front A pillar area I am getting like a buzzing/wind noise from around that area. I've removed the trim and driven it again and it is still there so not a trim issue. It must be speed related as it does not happen below that speed on all types of road surfaces. Is there any issues with the windscreen seal or A pillar window seal. It sounds like it's by the air bag area. Any ideas would be great. Many thanks and stay safe.
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