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  1. Hi Andy thanks for the reply thats really helpful. I wasn't aware of the manifolds so thanks for that. Seems this car has been serviced by same Honda garage for many years so I hope all the recalls have been carried out. Other than that, rock solid car as you would expect for Honda I suppose. Take care Nigel
  2. very grateful to be part of this owners club. I've seen a tidy 2009 Accord 2.2 diesel with just over 100k on the clock well looked after with full SH through Honda. Keen to get others views if I should buy it? I hear there are a isolated accounts of dpf issues (but that can affect all modern diesels i suppose!). If I do proceed, what should I do in the first month of ownership? is there a top 10 list of dos and don'ts? again, thank you for having me join the club.
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