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Everything posted by Nearlyman

  1. Am third owner of 2008/9 Japanese built Honda Jazz EX iShift. Its original radio/music centre consul has been replaced by a fully integrated Honda SatNav/Music system and bluetooth HFT link. The generic owners manual that came with the car doesn’t cover the functions for this touch screen system which has a Garmin navigation programme on a 40GB HDD. Have managed to find some limited data for the Music Catcher and navigation functions, but have nothing for the HFT link set up procedure. Honda appear to have no data for this, now obsolete, system. A PDF set does exist - somewhere - but so far, my searches have drawn a blank. For the record, this unit (new) from Honda originally cost c.£2,750 or nearly £3K. It’s too good to scrap so would like to find the full PDF for this superb, hitec system. Has anyone come across this particular system and perhaps knows where I might get the PDF guide?
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