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  1. Thanks for the replies. I’ve bought some snow/mud chains to fit and we’ll see what difference they make. I can also load the boot up with ballast if needbe (all jokes aside it may assist!)
  2. Hello Thanks for your reply Do you know when and how the 4WD kicks in please?
  3. Hi everyone New member here, hello! I have purchased this car to be a farm run around in a field, pulling a trailer, roller etc. The car is 4WD (a key requirement for me when buying) but this appears to be ‘automatic’ rather than engaged through any controls on the dash. On its first outing the car got stuck in a muddy field very quickly and it was not easy to get it out as it got stuck every time it was freed again until it was virtually back out the field. I had done some research before buying and saw people off road with their CRVs and some very steep hills so I am disappointed with my experience to date. Have joined the forum to understand more about the 4WD aspect of the car and its operation, tips for driving etc. Any responses appreciated and thanks for reading. Paul
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