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Rich Ski

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  1. Looking for a replacement battery for my wife's 2022 1.5 L touring. I'm pretty sure its a group H 5. Any other info I need to know about it. Thank you, Rich
  2. Hello, My name is Rich we ( my wife Linda of 55 years ) live in N.J and we are the owners of a 2022 Honda CR V touring with 10,500 miles on her. I am 78 and have serviced all of my vehicles, cars, trucks , tractors etc. I built our home from the ground up in 1972 with the guidance and help from Linda's dad. I worked in Nestles coffee plant until I retired in 2016 after 45 years there. We had previous Hondas, a 1998 Civic and a 2015 CR V touring . Previous Toyota's are a 1982 4X4, which I still have that plows snow to get us out of our 1/4 mile dirt road to a main back road. A 2002 Highlander , a 1992 4x4 Toyota truck that I gave to my oldest twin son, and he still has it on the road. And I have a 2016 Toyota Limited 4x4 truck. I have changed the oil twice now on her car ( Mobil 1 - 0 -20 ) and Honda filters, the first change at 3800 and the next at 7513. I know , I probably did them a bit too soon according to the book but the oil turned black both times at around 700 to a 1000 miles. I now know the turbo's effect on oil. Am I being too critical of this. If I did extend the changes I would not go beyond 4,500 - 5,000 miles. I have read a few things that have opened my eyes with this engine, should I be this critical ?? Any members here have anything to educate me on the 1.5 turbo engine ? Thank you Much !! Rich K
  3. Hello All, Thank you for letting me join here to contribute and gain knowledge of our vehicles. My wife and I have a red 2022 CR V Touring edition. We have just had it now for just over 2 years and have 10,500 miles on it. We had a 2015 Touring that we sold with 29,000 miles on it prior to this purchase. I am a 78 year old male that has been around autos, trucks, motorcycles, tractors for a long time. I have done all of the work on our vehicles to keep them going. I am somewhat confused by the way her car ( BTW its our first and last turbo ) has responded to oil changes. I change the oil at 4800 -5000 miles. ( I always changed my oil at 3000, 3500 miles years back prior to Full Synthetic ) After a oil change, at around 800-1100 miles the oil is turning black, it shocked me, I assume because of the turbo. It just turned 3000 miles and the M.M is on 30 % . Is this normal ? I have been reading of some horror stories with the 1.5 turbos, should I be or not ? Thank you for letting me vent. Rich K
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