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  1. Just got my first Honda last week, it's not new and looks a bit tired in places. I had a look online if people spruce them up at all and add some personal touches but have found an absolute nada. I've got more of a Ford background and my Fiesta ST had a lot of nice interior and exterior mods done to make it my own but Honda community seems to be more conservative. Is there anyone here that has done any modifications to their car to make them, well, more noticeable? I don't necessarily mean in Hot Rod style but so that I can find my car in the car park more like...
  2. Hi Everyone, I just got my first Honda. Ever a fan of Fords in the past, they've been failing me to the point where I needed a change. So I went for an older model C-RV MKIII that has less electrics to potentially go wrong. I hope it was a wise choice! I've got two children and two dogs and we tend to travel a lot, over the weekends and holidays, so I needed something that would be reliable and also wouldn't cost a fortune to fix. I have to say, it's a very nice car, one thing letting it down is that it won't win any awards for speed... (Gone for the petrol one)
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