Hello lovely HRV Owners
I have a 1999 metallic yellow HRV which has recently failed it's MOT, and I was advised it was beyond economical repair. It's at the back end. It needs new suspension thingies and sills, as it's badly corroded underneath in that area. Garage estimated 20 hours of work. (Sorry, haven't got paperwork to hand at the moment). The engine is good, and has done around 143,000 miles, and drives well. I've owned this car for 23 years, and I'm completely broken hearted that we have to part company. He's been like a best friend to me, and never let me down. Always starting first turn of the key! The reason for my post is that I cannot bare the thought of him having to go to a scrap yard, and was just wondering if there were any enthusiasts amongst you who were interested in him as a "project." And could turn him into a beautiful classic car for yourselves. I live in the Essex/Suffolk border area. 😊