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Everything posted by DomTor

  1. Thanks Bazzer, I will check the Thermostat and then will change the sensors if needed. For the sensors I searched and seems we have the coolant temperature sensor (ECT sensor) and the sending unit. For the sensor I can find it to buy but for the sending unit I cannot find it, maybe I'm searching wrongly... Do you know any reference for it? Rgds
  2. Greetings all, Sometimes the engine temperature goes very high in the gauge. One day I did a test that consisted in: 1. I immediately stop the car and shut it off when the temperature when almost on maximum/top range. 2. Disconect the battery and connect again 3. Then start the car and keep back driving normally (at the moment I start the ignition the temperature shows at normal level) So I know that when the engine really gets to such high temperature it takes time to cold down. What do you think of this test? What could be the issue and what kind of other tests do you suggest before I start to buy material? Rgds, KS
  3. Are the links these ones: https://www.coxmotorparts.co.uk/ https://lingshondaparts.com/cars/car-parts.html ? Thanks
  4. How do you get the part reference to search in amayama?
  5. Dow anyone knows how to turn the SRS light off from Honda Accord from 1999 6th gen ? I see in some videos that this is done via the cables under the driver steering wheel but couldn't find it: Img1 Img2 img3
  6. Thank you very much! 🙂
  7. Hello all, Which online stores you recommend to buy auto parts? I usually use autodoc but there are some particular pieces that they don't sell like PCV valve. Does anyone know where I can buy a PCV valve and genuine honda oils ? Note: My car is at Portugal at the moment so products should be available to ship to Portugal Thank you
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