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Everything posted by mikez

  1. My one is '99 no sunroof, im 185cm. Suits me well, good leg room( tho you will not lockup your knees but then again its not a position to drive anyway)and good head room, and till now i have not hit the roof on me voyages.
  2. One alternative is to ask dealer, another one is to take out headlight bulb, look for a symbol, part number or any mark that would give any clues and browse the net in search of specs. Third one would be to compare illumination beam from the one that is working(which i assume) with similar bulbs and follow results when satisfactionary perhaps.
  3. Hi Fellas, I'm trying to buy second transmitter and key for me HR-V '99. The key is no problem, however transmitter with part number 72147S2HG01 is no longer available and service repair manual doesn't state which frequency its running on(Europe) which would be handy to find alternative once the parameter is known. Any ideas? Many thanks
  4. I'd argue that the good practice would be not resetting DTC's but carefully analysing causes and fixing it promptly. that way it would ensure not getting them back again i assume. My question shadows Trevor's one. All the best.
  5. Hi Splop, The HRV 2002 speakers aren't bad, you'd find better results in sound deadening entire doors using common materials like foam or exclusively sound deadening matts. All you have to do is remove door panels, possibly anti-moist foil and adhere matts inside doors. I did that on my '99 hrv and audio system is doing marvellous job = silencing mother in law!
  6. HR-V 2000 has no mass airflow sensor. There is map sensor near throttle body to measure incoming air pressure only.
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