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Alan gsd

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Alan gsd last won the day on January 7

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  1. Alan gsd


  2. Welcome! If you need help anytime loads of great advice on here. Your wife fills it????? she's one to keep then think!! Does she clean i tas well???????????????? Alan
  3. Been driving 50 years so an Age old question with a diesel engiine do you i 1. Start and drive away 2. Or allow time for the engine to warm up before setting off Best advice for my 2005 CRV diesel please
  4. Going back to my squeaky clutch I've found it's my boots that I where for dogging!! NO not that kind !! driving to where I walk and train my dogs
  5. Thanks Trevor, bit late to wish you the same but I hope you had the best of times. been preoccupied by dog related things for a couple of months hopefully that's is all sorted now. Wishing everyone what hopefully will be a better year than 24
  6. Shold have been Oh dear hahahahah ! I've stop using it now
  7. No dear! What damage will I be doing with the WD40 !!!
  8. My 2005 CRV had a new clutch fitted at the start of this year before that and after when the weather is dry the clutch often becomes squeaky in wet it it never happen so recently I've been spraying WD40 though the gap behind the front wheels and to date it's seems to have done the trick! Could this have lubricated the problem I don't know but fingers crossed 😏
  9. Couldn't you keep him and shop around for someone local to mend the old chap, perhaps a local technical college or the like?? You pay for parts and get free labour???
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  10. Welcome jps71, sorry if no one has said hello. Lots of great advice and help on here if you ever need it Alan
  11. Few days a go (before I saw they have a kit for this) I cleaned my yellowish/dirty headlights using paste from a tube of T Cut scatch remover lightly rubbing with a old bit of toweling it removed all the yellowiing and they now have a nice shine not like new but certainly took some years off. No tools needed.
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