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Yerman last won the day on December 19 2024

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  1. Hi, Philip, I too have an ENY:1 the figures you give do resemble the real world, sadly the WLTP rubbish is way, way off. It should be stopped as it gives one a false impression of achievable range, a range one could never reach. You can however gain a little mileage by pre-conditioning the vehicle prior to a journey, especially by charging fully and leaving the charger on and connected, obviously, this uses mains power to pre-heat the battery and cabin, this I have found gives about 10-15% extra miles when in ECO. Sadly, the ombudsman will do nothing until we get a more suitable way of range indication. Winter doesn't last too long anyway so hang in there. What's not fit for purpose is the WLTP not the car. Honda have to comply with this ridiculous way of range estimation as all manufacturers do.
  2. Having studied other company's findings regarding Heat Pumps it really isn't something we need here in UK as it doesn't drop in temperature sufficiently to warrant one. The ENY:1 will draw current via the mains charger, (If connected and ON) to pre-condition the battery assembly and cabin, thus gaining range. This I have checked many times when cold and it has added mileage, admittedly not a great deal but nevertheless it does, about 10% minimum. Plus I'm not carrying a heap pump around with me when not needed or necessary.
  3. It is a lovely car to drive, yes it has issues with range but we'll keep it for three years and trade it in for the next generation then, Our only gripe is the inability of the non-charging schedule keeping it's setting as ON. It constantly switches the setting OFF every day after use, which is something Honda cannot sort, very poor for a company with the title Honda. A new smart charger has rectified this as we use the schedule the wall box has built into Smart charge. We earn about £1 a week for not charging when grid demand high. This pays for 11 Kw when it connects back.
  4. Quite a few have complained of low charging capability, not as low as 30Kw but having had other issues with the Non Charging schedule it would appear neither Honda nor it's appointed dealerships know too much about this new to Honda technology. Hang in there as having had many conversations with customer service, Japan tech will sort it soon. Hopefully.
  5. The statement you make about charging; "All-electric and plug-in hybrid models will gain further functionality, allowing users to remotely schedule vehicle charging to meet their needs, as well as pre-heating or pre-cooling the cabin via the AC system prior to a journey." Not true, you cannot schedule a charge for the ENY:1 using the Honda + App, you can start and stop a charge only.
  6. Have you experienced any issues with the charging or non charging schedule switching "off" when charged using this at home.
  7. Page 563 of the online guide clearly states: (as does the UK version of the guide) The High Voltage battery gradually discharges even if the vehicle is not in use. As a result, if your vehicle is parked for an extended period of time, the battery level may get low. Keeping your vehicle’s battery level low can shorten the battery life, negatively affecting the vehicle’s range. To maintain the battery while the vehicle is not in use, recharge the battery at least once every three months. The High Voltage battery life can also be affected by ambient temperature. In particular, when it is cold outside, the vehicle’s driving range can be reduced, and a longer battery charging time is required. In addition, parking in extremely hot or cold environments can accelerate battery drain. To help extend the lifespan of the battery, it is recommended that you fully charge the battery each time prior to driving. I see you in NZ not UK some differences with the manual/Guide. Regards
  8. Try page 344 of The Owners Guide (Not a manual) I noticed this 2 months prior to delivery of the vehicle having read the online version. I always do this, many obviously don't bother. It's quite clear
  9. The only oil change to be done is the transmission fluid, but not until 99,000 mls
  10. I had similar issues, try inserting one of those digital battery voltage check devices into the auxiliary socket and monitor the reading over a week or so, with vehicle in auxiliary setting and also with ignition on. Observe what happens.
  11. battery would have to be pretty poor to flatten in 4 minutes,
  12. Not sorted it's gone back to its habit of turning the non-charge schedule OFF for no reason. It's going in to dealer Jan
  13. Here's me answering other people's issues Etc. and I have no idea why my Non-Charge schedule switches from "On to Off" following a charge at home, not always but often. If the car is plugged in to charge but not doing as it's using the schedule, why would it switch to off after the charge? if I demand charge before the schedule should allow charging, say 2 hours or so before midnight which is when it starts to utilise the cheap rate, why would this cancel the schedule and not just overwrite it for the extra. I must check the schedule everytime I plug in as it's impossible to know if it will charge. Honda informed but nothing has come back from them yet. Anyone else experiencing this?
  14. This is bad, it is bound to be forming on other out of view components too. Only ever seen this many years ago on Alfa Romeo Giulietta when it turned out to be windscreen seal not fitted correctly. Is the drain from AC blocked and entering car? You could leave AC off and just try it with fresh air entering, Mention that to Honda Tech, but that will take time for an answer. Sorry, can't help further.
  15. Is this forum for ENY:1?
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