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Everything posted by Yerman

  1. Try page 344 of The Owners Guide (Not a manual) I noticed this 2 months prior to delivery of the vehicle having read the online version. I always do this, many obviously don't bother. It's quite clear
  2. The only oil change to be done is the transmission fluid, but not until 99,000 mls
  3. I had similar issues, try inserting one of those digital battery voltage check devices into the auxiliary socket and monitor the reading over a week or so, with vehicle in auxiliary setting and also with ignition on. Observe what happens.
  4. battery would have to be pretty poor to flatten in 4 minutes,
  5. Not sorted it's gone back to its habit of turning the non-charge schedule OFF for no reason. It's going in to dealer Jan
  6. Here's me answering other people's issues Etc. and I have no idea why my Non-Charge schedule switches from "On to Off" following a charge at home, not always but often. If the car is plugged in to charge but not doing as it's using the schedule, why would it switch to off after the charge? if I demand charge before the schedule should allow charging, say 2 hours or so before midnight which is when it starts to utilise the cheap rate, why would this cancel the schedule and not just overwrite it for the extra. I must check the schedule everytime I plug in as it's impossible to know if it will charge. Honda informed but nothing has come back from them yet. Anyone else experiencing this?
  7. This is bad, it is bound to be forming on other out of view components too. Only ever seen this many years ago on Alfa Romeo Giulietta when it turned out to be windscreen seal not fitted correctly. Is the drain from AC blocked and entering car? You could leave AC off and just try it with fresh air entering, Mention that to Honda Tech, but that will take time for an answer. Sorry, can't help further.
  8. Is this forum for ENY:1?
  9. Now sorted, the coordinates entered from a hand held GPS (Satnav) puts the car right at the entrance to the garage. Now working correctly. Unfortunately, it still announces we have arrived "Home" to our left some 80 metres from the actual Coordinate setting, but it doesn't now switch itself off. Time will tell.
  10. Satnav indicates 2022 as it's year, could be that
  11. Owner manual does indicate "Charge to 100%"
  12. Have you been presented with the Red Warning icons on the dash 1st thing after power on? I have twice and would seem the computing side of things may be checking the state of charge of the running battery (12v one under bonnet) just a little too soon. The battery state of charge drops overnight or if left for some time as it carries out numerous checks, Alarm, readiness to charge Etc, Etc. The battery does receive charge from the main battery quite quickly upon "Power on", sometimes from as low as 11.4vs up to 14vs in seconds, this I noticed stops the warning appearing. Honda aware of this small anomaly. If it remains "ON" obviously you have issues. Contact Tech for assistance.
  13. Always charge your vehicle to 100% as instructed in the owners manual. Set Non charging schedule timings to Home position, should you live in a new property and it is unlisted on navigation screen, use coordinates I.e, Lat & Long in Degrees, minutes & seconds. This works and your schedule won't switch off as it cannot find it's" Home"
  14. Is this the ENy:1 forum?
  15. Apparently charging fully sorts out all the bits of chemical structure and levels them all off, if not charged fully one or two could be lower and give an imbalance. To gain insight on all this battery stuff, watch "Lucid Tech on YouTube, battery. Then Motor, Then inverter.
  16. Button to the left side front of the pad
  17. If it's in the manual as an instruction, Honda in their wisdom cannot argue if you have followed that to the letter, should issues arise in the future. They can apparently check how and when it is being charged and I suppose where too. How the vehicle is being driven, acceleration, braking, Etc. also available to them. I remember signing something to this effect somewhere in the many papers pushed my way on collection at the dealer allowing this info to be available to them. Some unscrupulous manufacturers are sending this info to Insurers, on BBC this morning.
  18. Everything electric I.e 12-14 volts is powered off the under bonnet battery the 400 volt battery underfloor provides charge for this battery and drive motor only.
  19. Another anomaly with the home charging schedule, apart from it switching it from ON to OFF by itself following any trip. It has great difficulty in finding my home address, we are on a private road at the end of an adopted (council) road and the satnav will not go past the end of the adopted one. Maybe this is why I had to enter the coordinates over 6 times to get the satnav to accept it, still it won't navigate to home it ends 100mtrs away. There appears to be many gremlins in the Honda Software/Firmware and some extent Hardware judging by reports on various forums. Apparently, the Tech at Honda in Japan are Quote "On It". Hhhmm
  20. Hi, why are you only charging to 80%? Honda on P.563 of manual states; "To help extend the lifespan of the battery, it is recommended that you fully charge the battery each time prior to driving." I do hope you have switched off the phone charging pad, high energy user, in use or not. I charge to 100% as instructed, Honda apparently can tell how you charge, when you charge and where. I certainly obtain 180-195 (Last week in snow) that's with cabin heat on around 22 degrees, occasional seated heats and steering wheel heat.
  21. Forgot to mention the following which also helps; Battery Warming System Designed to prevent the temperature of the battery from dropping when outside temperatures drop, thereby maintaining starting and running efficiency. When outside temperatures are low, the battery warming system will use the power from the charging equipment to maintain the temperature of the battery until the next time the vehicle is driven.
  22. It doesn't have a heat pump, the range is being calculated using current temperature together with you last driving habits, it's assuming you will select Heated seats, Heated steering wheel and blower and cabin heater, Etc. warm it through switch off the phone charging pad and turn down the blower fan and set seat heat to minimum. Re-check and it should gain mileage. Mine does.
  23. New issue just started, why would the Non-Charge schedule revert to off following use of the vehicle? setting saved but on return it's "OFF", It's worked fine for the last month regarding home charging but now I have to save info after each trip.
  24. That should work..
  25. Page 242 in manual. 2nd button from the left, bottom.
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