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I have friends who have E Vs with a heat pump, it does a lot better than my E NY1, but if you look a the extra cost involved at point of purchase ie £900.00 its more cost effective to pay for the extra electricity, if you can than if you change at home. If you have your car on PCP over three years which most people do you have £300.00 pounds of electricity to start with.   


I have had my Eny 1 for 11 months. It went in in October 2024 as the mileage at 100% charge was 168 miles.

They played with the ECP but no better


I took it in again 10.2.2025 and they played with the EPC and did a factory software update . At 100% charge it was 203 miles full charge with no heater or aircon on

It dropped to 123 miles very quickly after 60 miles trip.


I have today spoken to Honda technical and they very quickly came back to me.


They said that the car is behaving normal and that the mileage achieved is normal in this colder weather. 


If I put the  heater on then I get about  95 miles. They said that this was Honda's first electric vehicle. I read into that that it wasn't really a success. I said to the lady that I have no confidence in driving it long journeys. I live in Lancashire and a regular drive to London I used to make would result in 6 stops there and back without delays etc.


We are stuck with it chaps


It is a lovely car to drive, yes it has issues with range but we'll keep it for three years and trade it in for the next generation then, Our only gripe is the inability of the non-charging schedule keeping it's setting as ON. It constantly switches the setting OFF every day after use, which is something Honda cannot sort, very poor for a company with the title Honda. A new smart charger has rectified this as we use the schedule the wall box has built into Smart charge. We earn about £1 a week for not charging when grid demand high. This pays for 11 Kw when it connects back.


Having studied other company's findings regarding Heat Pumps it really isn't something we need here in UK as it doesn't drop in temperature sufficiently to warrant one. The ENY:1 will draw current via the mains charger, (If connected and ON) to pre-condition the battery assembly and cabin, thus gaining range. This I have checked many times when cold and it has added mileage, admittedly not a great deal but nevertheless it does, about 10% minimum. Plus I'm not carrying a heap pump around with me when not needed or necessary.

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