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Everything posted by b4u2

  1. Contact HONDA UK
  2. I have had recalls sorted free of charge at my local honda dealer and they normally check the car over to make sure everything works as it should.
  3. You should have some sort of warranty if recently purchased.
  4. Try redex
  5. Mobile auto air con https://g.co/kgs/15gpbeo https://mobileautoac.co.uk/
  6. I would advise you to contact your local honda dealership.
  7. Try ebay or scrapyards.
  8. @johnccwatkins Hi John, thanks for your post. If i was you then would take it up with honda head office. It's totally unaccceptable & they should give you a courtesy car. Otherwise go legal with court.
  9. I'm on my 5th honda! had 2 accords, 2 streams & one civic. Yes they are definitely great cars.
  10. Welcome 🙏 🤗
  11. Hi Barri 👋 Welcome 🙏 🤗
  12. Please post photos
  13. I had a recall on my previous accord, it was passenger airbag.
  14. Hi @donbroadband I'm sorry to read your bad experiences. where are you up to with this now?
  15. It's called headlight restoration. I used a fellow called skippy.
  16. b4u2


    I replaced the bulb and all good now. Thank you Trevor 👍 😊
  17. b4u2


    Hi, tonight completely randomly out of the blue I noticed that my odometer light where the mileage shows is off despite all car lights being on. I checked the fuse and it was fine. I've even replaced to see if that worked and made no difference. Not something I have ever seen or come across before. Perhaps someone on here can help me with this? No idea if there is a specific bulb for this part.
  18. I'm on my 5th honda 2 accords 1 civic 2 streams
  19. My civic battery seems to be going dead pretty often so assume it needs replacing but because it's currently on sorn I don't see any point in wasting money. Missing it though although not much space compared to stream.
  20. Perhaps take it to a local garage for diagnostic.
  21. @mickser61 Import?
  22. I have noticed and found that since I've bought and driven my stream then fuel consumption has increased significantly over my civic. Of course it is much bigger car as has 7 seats and is also 2l engine but I'm really struggling and want to go back to my civic, in town getting around 200 - 250 and motorway 300 ish
  23. @nth Hi, I think from a certain age onwards the position of the catalytic converter is in a area and way that it can't easily be removed so no need to worry.
  24. I would be wary to go with a unknown brand. Stick with michelin, bridgestone and goodyear. They are well known for a reason.
  25. @honda accord Please post photos and all the details
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