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ec5780 last won the day on July 27 2023

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  1. The left hand side of the silver tailgate trim that sits above the registration plate has been coming loose on the left hand side and now I'm worried that the right hand side might be coming loose as well. What is the best way to secure it? I'm not sure if something has snapped or just weakened, my guess is that whatever clips are used to hold it in place are either broken or no longer effective. My mechanic tried to glue it - I'm not sure what type of glue he used - but the glue came off within a week.
  2. I'm not sure, my mechanic didn't suggest welding it. I could ask him. He did mention that it looked corroded, and he said something about the replacement gasket not being as big as the OEM one which may have contributed to corrosion, not sure if I understand what he meant by that i.e. why the size of the gasket would impact corrosion. But I look at it myself - only he looked at it.
  3. My 2006 Honda FR-V, 2.0l petrol has failed MOT with an exhaust leak, co content exceeding limits and lambda outside limits. My mechanic has pointed to the centre silencer, which is leaking at the joint with the rear section of the exhaust. Four years ago, I replaced the exhaust center silencer box with a pattern brand (EuroFlo) - I can't remember if as the OEM spare part was even available at that time. Is it normal for this component to wear out so quickly? I'm still using the original OEM exhaust for the rear section and that has lasted for 18 years and 100,000 miles without issues, whereas the replacement has failed after just four years. The EuroFlo part is still available, though the cost has doubled since I last purchased it and I'm probably not going to see much spare change from £300 to get it done, plus I have to source it myself as the mechanic says his suppliers are unable to obtain it. As far as I'm aware there's no other option here, any thoughts?
  4. I measured the battery voltage with a multimeter. It was around 2.3V when it should have been 3.3! I guess one of the cells inside the battery must have suddenly failed to cause such a sudden voltage drop. I replaced the battery with another of the same batch and so far, so good.
  5. My remote control was becoming slower and slower to respond, and it got to the point where I had to press it multiple times for it to open/lock the car. I changed the battery, and at the time I remember having some trouble getting it to work. Initially it refused to work and then after pressing the buttons a few times it started to work. This was in early August. Then last week I went out; when I unlocked the car it worked perfectly but when I came to lock the car the remote control was completely dead. No gradual degradation like I had last time, and the battery was changed only a couple of months ago. I was able to lock the car with the key, but when I unlocked the car it set the alarm off! I suspect the battery is bad, but it's strange that it failed so suddenly, and so soon, as opposed to the previous battery which wore out gradually over a much longer period of time. Any thoughts? (And is there any other way to turn off the alarm if the remote control isn't working?)
  6. Mine is similar, although it is temperamental. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I have a 2006 FR-V, and I believe mine was actually installed aftermarket, it's not in the original spec. The control unit is within the cavity where you get access to change the rear light bulbs if I recall correctly. It's been stuck onto the inner face of the wall of the car with a velcro pad. However I haven't managed to be able to see it clearly enough to do anything meaningful with it as it has very limited manouverability with the cables attached. Every so often after the car is serviced it will work well for a month or two. I'm not sure what it is that the mechanic is doing that sorts it out, maybe it's a lose connection maybe it's some kind of electrical issue. But it doesn't even happen every year so I'm really not sure.
  7. eBay would be the obvious suggestion but I'm guessing you've already tried there. There's a European outfit called Autodoc you could try https://www.autodoc.co.uk/. Shipping is usually from Europe so it might take a bit longer than usual. Good luck
  8. I found this thread on Reddit which has a video where you can hear the whirring sound. If this is what's happening to yours, then it sounds like the conclusion is to replace the starter motor.
  9. You might be able to work it out from the parts diagrams which are available on https://parts-honda.uk/
  10. I can't quite tell for sure what you are talking about, but it could potentially be the vanity mirror built into the visor. Is it possible there's a flap there that pulls forward? If not, perhaps a photo or two would help to work out what it is.
  11. There are parts diagrams available on parts-honda.uk They also have a reverse "part assignment" search feature that lets you put in a part number and see what models it is used in. However that search unfortunately seems to have some sort of limit to the number of results it will show online. Perhaps if you manage to make contact with the company that runs the website they will be able to get you the full list?
  12. Thank you. In the end I ordered an X-Pro branded battery from batterygroup.co.uk So far so good.
  13. Another question that came to mind - some sites mentioned a "hold down", whilst others don't even seem to mention it. What does this mean? Is this important? Can you replace a battery that has one hold down style with a battery that uses a different one? Thanks in advance
  14. I just tried to do the same thing. I did pull back the inner plastic liner over the wheel arch to stick my hand up to reach the bulb from that angle as suggested in the owner's manual, but couldn't get the bulb fitting to budge. I didn't have any pliers on me as I didn't realise I'd need them. I had a brief go at doing it from the top but didn't want to poke around too much from that angle - I reasoned that it would probably be harder from that angle otherwise they would probably have recommended it in the owner's handbook. Maybe if I'd have unclipped the main headlights first it would have been easier. Tried it for 20mins or so but eventually gave up, will ask a professional mechanic to do it.
  15. Not sure if this will help but how long are you waiting to get air out of them? I've noticed with mine that for the first few minutes after you start the engine there's no airflow through some/all of the vents, I assume it's waiting for the engine/coolant to warm up so that the air will blow out at the specified temperature rather than blow air at the wrong temperature. There is a button on the controls to demist the windscreen which usually puts the fan on high and makes it blow out immediately.
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