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    Accord 2.4 petrol FaceLift0608

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  1. They look better in the flesh. Tons and tons of power in those engines. You always have to hold the engine back as it just wants to fly. Awesome cars!
  2. Nice car. They are seriously underrated cars. But it's not the adas version. Yes it has parking sensors. There is something wrong with the electrics on your car. The rear ones should turn on automatically. See what the main dealer says.
  3. 1) ACC. Will that bring the car to a complete stop if the car in front comes to a complete stop. And start driving if the car in front starts moving forward. 2) LKAS. What's the minimum speed it will operate at. Will it turn the steering wheel automatically to keep you in the middle of the lane.
  4. Nice car. Manual or automatic. Does it have Acc and lkas?
  5. A photo of the lights would help. Were there any lights on before you used the scanner?
  6. It is an issue on the Accord's, and these cars will share the same components. You will have to get an Amp-clamp (or similar) and see how much current is being drained when the car is parked. And then start unplugging the fuses one by one to isolate the parasitic drain.
  7. Great achievement. But at least another 170k miles of life still left in it. Manual or automatic?
  8. It's a known issue. Your Bluetooth thingy is causing a parasitic drain. Disconnect it. But then you can't use the voice commands
  9. So many sharks about waiting to prey on the innocent. @StavrosUnusual for the clutch to wear out so soon. Are you operating the clutch properly?
  10. You need to read the codes and find out what they are telling you.
  11. I have installed some on an Accord but the mirrors don't fold automatically, but do fold and are electrically operated Don't see what difference it would make if they automatically fold.
  12. Hello The driver's side folding mirror won't move when operated electronically. I can fold and unfold it manually. The passenger side one works ok. Any ideas?
  13. Are you using a genuine DVD or is it a copied one?
  14. Before, mine was fully automatic and would always tell the right time. Now I have to adjust it twice a year. It was a right pita when it was wrong every day.
  15. What happened then?
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