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Honda CRV 2019 Petrol Clutch / ocassional Gear Grind


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I purchased my Honda CRV from a Honda showroom; my sole reason was that my old car was old and high mileage and buying a newish car gives you the sense of security that there will be no fault. I have just hit a year and I have only done 4000 4500 miles on car due to covid reasons I started feeling here gear shift and occasional gear change that felt like two metal plates grinding. so, I took the car into to Honda as I paid for service and its under warranty. they asked me to leave the car for assessing for a day. I got a call back in afternoon car is ok to drive but there might something up, so we need to book it in for 2 days to look in gearbox and clutch. so, I handed my car in. 2 day later no call back. third day I call in to find out what is going on, manager calls back saying your clutch and flywheel is burnt, it will be 1800 quid, now I’m thinking I have driven my old car did 70000 miles on that car and never burnt a clutch, and being a newish car, I have been very precious about it. I asked to speak the person who was dealing with me before and I was put on to him. he said yes, the clutch is burnt u are welcome to come and have a look, in return I explained that I never ride a clutch and always use auto break on stop may be the issue was on previous owner as I haven’t even done that much mileage on car. to which this person replied when u buy a used car and the types a just above legal limit and u drive it does the previous owner have to pay for the worn-out tyre. no. so I went in to look at it and took my uncle for advice and I don’t know much about clutches and I have never seen a burnt clutch. this person wouldn’t talk to my uncle because my uncle stated the flywheel isn’t even bad it just needs a bit of clean. in return we were told Honda need to change parts we don’t clean. we replace part for part. We can try warranty claims with Honda, but they will decline it. at this point the Honda representative I was speaking to walked away and said I will only speak to the owner of the car. So, I went in on my own as asked what my options are, first thing he said was honestly we are a showroom, and we are here to make money. Then followed by it will be 300 pounds to put it back together. U can take it as it is 300 or 1800 to put new parts in, but for you ill sort you out and give u a call later with a price, at this point I said I want the old parts in the car and I want Honda to follow up with the claim as I still believe I haven’t done this damage to the car clutch and there is no way I can afford the price you are requesting hence the reason I bout a car from a proper Honda showroom and now form a private dealer. I said I want it fixed and went home waited on call for rest of the day. 15 mins before Honda shuts, I called in and requested a call back. I get a call back 5 mins before it shuts, and they said that I can do it for 1600 and u can pick the car up day after. I asked the old clutch and fly wheel in the boot of the car. As I want to follow up with Honda when you put the claim through. Next day they fitted he clutch and fly wheel. I arranged to pick up the car day after first thing in the morning. I went in and paid for the clutch and fly wheel 1600 pound, asked them if they followed up with the warranty for a claim, to which I got a reply, sorry we can’t, we will get in trouble. There’s a number online you can call to sort it out. So, I asked is the clutch and flywheel in the boot of the car he said ill go get it which I then stuck in the boot. So, I got in the car shuffled the gears and felt that gears were still stiffer then when I fort got it. I went back and spoke to the Honda representative again saying that’s the reason I brought the car in in the first place. To which I got a reply its normal in CRVs. Then I took a car for a 40 mins drive in which on top of the heavy gear shift I felt metal grind about 3 time going into 2nd and 4th. So, I went back and said this is still the issue the reason I brought the car in in the first place and it’s not a constant it happens every now and then. So, they got a technician to drive it and he came back said it perfectly normal. I asked the technician when the car was on ramp did u look in the gearbox and he replied no when we saw the clutch, we realised that was the problem and Honda’s gear boxes are solid. in my 10 years working here I have only had one faulty gearbox. I spoke to the manage again and said I want this raised as a concern he said we don’t have a system for that, so I asked to send me and email saying I and having gear shift issue with metal grind occasionally so when it comes to future you are not charging me an arm and a leg for it. He said that’s ok ill send you and email in an hour. I received an email from the manage which stated we checked the car its fine. Then I had to reply and say I wanted this logged as a concern that I am experiencing metal grind which I can feel in 2nd and 4th. So, you don’t charge me so much to fix. Je said ok I will log that and drive the car for 2 weeks and see if there are any issues then bring it back. In the meantime, I have had the clutch at home and my brother-in-law came to visit and saw the clutch. This is a person who has burnt a clutch in the past on his car and knows what it looks like, and he said the clutch isn’t even burnt its normal wear. And the pads are no were close to anywhere near the rivet. the clutch even has the pattern on the pads. I am still yet to take this clutch and flywheel to a garage to get it assessed. I just feel like I just have been ripped off by Honda because I didn’t have any burning clutch smell and no power loss or slippage and reason, I took in for was gears which I still think it exists. It doesn’t happen all the time but it’s happening. This experience has made me extremely stressed, and I feel like I have just completely lost trust in Honda. Reason I bout a car from dealership was so I don’t have issues like this. As a side note I purchased the car some where just over 9000 miles and it’s at 14000 now. What is people opinion. Please help.

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Hi....welcome to the Club

Sorry to hear you are experiencing issues on what should be an up together car purchased from a Honda dealership.

Clutches do wear if abused (short-shifting, pulling away in 2nd gear, etc) but as you say this could have been caused by the previous owner.

Can you upload some photos of the old parts?


In reference to the transmission, I can only imagine this may have occurred if the oil level is low or not even topped up after refitting.
If not, then as they say it is very rare for a gearbox to fail on a Honda

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I can honestly say I have seen a lot worse.

It doesn't even look that blue from excess heat caused by slipping, although you can see evidence of this occurring (by the previous owner?)

However, the CR-V uses a self-adjusting clutch and when the power is on it causes the clutch to slip due to reduced pressure on the driven plate.
There used to have an issue with the cruise-control sensor adjustment on the pedal and this influenced the operational setting of the self-adjusting cover plate...although this only usually affected earlier models I believe.


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