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New CR-V owner here :)

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Proud owner of a 2005 CR-V and I love - as does my wunnerful wife 🙂


On my 3rd day of ownership a cyclist <ptooh> going through a red light smahed my RH light and

moved the bonnet half an inch - and then limped away very rapidly (!!!) away carrying his bike.


Still haven't worked out how to getthe courtesy lights to come on when I open the doors, but I'm sure

that it will happen with time.


I still haven't found out where to get a satnav disc for a vehicle this old, but I'm sure that that's what

the forums are for, so see you there.


best regards,  Barrie - BJthe1DJ


ps.  In case you ask, in these woke days I can no longer call myslef BJtheDJ <sigh>

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Hi Barrie....welcome to the Club

Very unfortunate incident and no insurance payout? 😞

Not sure about the SatNav disc but if its not in the head unit in the dash then it may be in the boot area behind a panel

Good to have you onboard!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi from one Barrie to another, sorry to hear of the prang with the Cyclist, not sure about the curtesy light problem, maybe a quick call to Service Manager at Honda, they are normally helpful, with regard to the Sat Nav Disc you could ask about that as well and some times get a replacement Disc on Ebay



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