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I have a 2006 CRV petrol exec manual with 117,000 miles which has been showing the engine management light after about 20 mins of driving. Fault code is always the knock sensor. I erase the fault with OBD and the light goes out but always comes back on again sometimes after a day and sometimes after 10 mins!! The car is not "pinking" and seems to be running perfectly with no odd engine noises at all even when listened to with a stethoscope. I tried new plugs just in case but didnt fix it. I have so far fitted 2 new aftermarket knock sensors and they fix it for a while but the fault code soon returns. I have even tried disconnecting the sensor but it still lights the engine management light after 20 mins or so. Has anyone else had this problem with aftermarket sensors and if I fit the genuine Honda knock sensor will it fix it?

Your thoughts would be appreciated as I have run out of ideas!

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Have you torqued down the sensor bolt? as it is torque sensitive and only minimal amount required - too tight and will sense way too much knock.

Also, ensure sensor lead does not go across any other wiring, especially spark plugs leads, etc as sensitive enough to pick up stray signals

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