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Trevor last won the day on March 18

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  1. have you tried ebay? https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=39680-TLO-GO1YB&_sacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p4582968.m570.l1313
  2. You can try on eBay (discount code at the top of the page) and still find Honda genuine fluids on there. I would definitely stick to genuine fluids if possible
  3. If the symbol disappears once you have the brake pedal depressed then no problem but if still illuminated then could be a faulty pedal switch - try pressing harder on the brake pedal as well
  4. Hi....welcome to the club Once Honda is in your blood you'll always come back to one.
  5. Here's an old topic discussing the issue
  6. the belt will gradually 'walk off' the pulleys if misaligned
  7. It may well be the clutch plate is slightly dragging (probably due to very little use over the years)...putting some more miles on it should cure that issue. Another thing to also consider is replacing the rear differential fluid as this can lead to similar issues (use only genuine Honda fluid)
  8. I would start by checking the gearbox oil and see if there is enough in there and maybe consider replacing the oil? Another way to avoid the crunching is the using the old method known as double declutching. Or even a slight blip on the throttle on downshifting can also work to eliminate the gear crunching
  9. Trevor


    one of my all-time favourite adverts on TV
  10. I would assume the red warning lamp is a state of charge warning - may need to scan the vehicle to see if there are any fault codes present or live data that can show the charge rate
  11. Not sure of the exact age of your car but the battery must be the original one and been on there for a few years which would be a natural occurrence. However, unless you can see excessive misting up inside the car then I don't imagine there is any water ingress to worry about
  12. Not sure if your i-VTEC engine has a turbo (which could be the cause) but I would highly recommend taking it to a garage to have any fault codes read to determine the exact cause of the issue. Please let us know how you get on with it
  13. Does it judder at a stable speed or when accelerating or decelerating?
  14. Timing belt breaking? More than likely a tensioner or guide pulley out of alignment (usually some grit on the fitting side of the tensioner and the belt walks off)
  15. Becoming quite a rare car and would be a nice project for someone if it was bought as a whole car, would be an awful shame to break it for parts
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