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Hi, l have just joined this club, because of my very recent purchase of an HR-V 1.6  automatic 2002. 3 door.


I live in Stoke On Trent, am in my late 60s,s and am disabled, but still able to drive, which I still enjoy.


If I say so myself I was a good amateur mechanic, but alas the mind is still willing, but the body is no longer able to juggle the spanners, and to be truthful I do miss it.


I have never owned a Honda before, but can say I am amazed at how well this car drives, being smooth, and very responsive for a 22-year-old.


So hello all, I will be asking some questions, but I also very much hope I may be able to help others if they get stuck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi....welcome to the Club

You can't go wrong with a Honda so as long as you keep up with the routine maintenance you shouldn't get any serious issues with the HR-V

You are always welcome to help answer any posts you feel you can assist with your knowledge

Good to have you onboard!

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I am a new member. I have a CRV Hybrid 2020 with 29k on the clock.

Last week the brakes failed ( at slow speed fortunately).The RAC recovered me to my dealer .The diagnosis was failure of a key component  01469 TPA E92. Which will cost £ 2,150 to fix.

The Real problem is the car is undriveable and the spare is not available from Honda for 3 to 4 months ie until June 2024.

Has anyone else go a problem like this ,I only have the one car and cannot be without a car for four months !!



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Hi John, thanks for your post.

If i was you then would take it up with honda head office.

It's totally unaccceptable & they should give you a courtesy car.

Otherwise go legal with court.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with Trevor Get in touch with VSOA and then contact the Main Honda Dealer, it cant be right to have this problem with only 29k on the clock and I believe that Honda would investigate this and hopefully replace the part F.O.C.  Its not normal for Honda parts to fail like this.

Best Wishes and Good luck


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Yes, I have this problem. 

I have a 2020 Honda Jazz Crosstar EX - 28k miles.

30th January 2024, my display issued numerous emergency brake failure messages. I had just pulled out of my parking space. Brakes very unresponsive and heavy. Local Honda garage advised my to get car to them via rescue service (The AA). I carefully drove my car to my local Honda garage in S.London., 3 miles, with AA van following - no messages from vehicle and seemed ok. Honda garage analysis revealed Brake Servo CONTROL UNIT failure. That is component failure of the chip that controls the braking system. Garage quoted £2064 to repair plus at least 1 month wait for the component to arrive from Japan. 


My car was purchased  (one year old, 6k miles) from Honda Chiswick. It was one of their sales demo vehicles.  It has been fully serviced by my local Honda garage (not Chiswick). The 3 yr warranty ended summer 2023. 


My car is undrivable. I am not prepared to pay £2064 to resolve a major component failure on a car that is 3.5 years old and has 28k mileage. 


My local Honda garage advised my to contact Honda UK and request a courtesy vehicle. Honda UK did quickly arrange a car for me to drive. 


I have sought legal advice. I was told my contract is with Honda Chiswick - where I purchased the car. Chiswick advised I have six years (from date of purchase) to return my car PROVIDED I can prove the vehicle was faulty when I purchased it. This aspect has proved difficult so far. 

The Motoring Ombudsman site recommends two companies for forensic testing of component failure. I engaged one of them ACE (www.ace-org.uk) to perform on-site forensic tests and report the failed unit. I was astonished to receive a report with no data, except the basic information I emailed to ACE myself - reg number, milage, date of purchase - that’s it!!!!! I am now engaged in ‘breach of contract’ argument with ACE and am attempting refund of the £300 I paid for their (non-existent) service. And I still have to locate an expert to examine the failed chip in the hope that faulty design/ faulty manufacturing caused this chip that controls the brake system to fail after 3 years/ 28k miles. 


IMO this shouldn’t have happen but IRL things do go wrong.

This is a major safety concern. It should be a recall. Obviously Honda does not want the negative exposure a recall would bring. Instead I am stressed out, jumping through hoops trying to get ‘proof’ that the car was faulty when I purchased it.

Instead of Honda taking responsibility for what is OBVIOUSLY a fault and replacing and repairing this failed component, free of charge ASAP. 


Well my response is I’m  fed up of this lack of responsibility and I will publicise this issue as much I possibly can. Let’s see how Honda UK and Honda, Chiswick enjoy that.


I’’m a newbie on this site and will introduce myself by copying this post. Hopefully other similarly impacted Honda owners will comment and help prove their IS a batch of faulty (and potentially very dangerous) components in Honda cars. 


I’d be grateful for any advice, supporting information. 




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