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2016 CRV Electrical Issue causing limp mode


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Hi all,


I have a 2016 Honda CR-V Black Edition Manual Petrol that has gone into limp mode following an electrical issue. The battery had to be charging once in a while otherwise the battery would have died. The nail in the coffin was when all the lights on the dashboard was lit up everything from AWD, engine management, you name it after starting the car.

The local garage suspected the ecu was damaged due to a short, but after diagnostic from Honda there was nothing wrong with the ecu, but they didn’t say what the problem was overall. The garage is now suspecting that there’s damage to a wiring loom or a short somewhere else that has caused the car to go into limp mode as well as all the failures on the dash.

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Have you tried a new (quality) battery as if the old one needs charging periodically it may have faulty cells and this can cause the issues you are describing (if the battery cannot deliver a high enough voltage on start up then this will flag the lights)

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