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Lovely looking motor.

Aafter a year of owning my first Honda a  2005 CRV it's the best cat and the oldest at  18 years that i've ever had know the shape is considered too boxy now but I love it and with the back seats out it's a perfect 'dog car'.

On Bangers and Cash this week, they asked who they considered made the best  cars - Dave said that the UK only had a short window many years ago, Paul said the Germans and Derek said the Japanese 🖕

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Hi Robster

All Metal Boxes  that we drive unfortunately suffer with the dreaded rust, my Mercedes was a prime example, it cost a lot of money to eventually get rid of the rust underneath, apparently they do suffer with rust although I didn't know this when I bought the Merc, its not usual for Hondas to suffer in the same way, but worth keeping an eye on it and remove it if possible as soon as it appears.

Cheers Robster

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