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Just heard it on the Grape Vine that they are sneakily going to increase Car Tax in April , another Cash Cow for this Tory Government soon it will be too expensive to own your own car or is that the game they are playing. ????


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Foreign Legion!!!! You will be called up to help traini the 'people's amry' by the sounds of it, while your there can you put a new rubber band on the propeller shaft of our newest aircraft carrier... no rush for that as I hear there will not be many aircraft on it!!

I'm of an age when most of a map was pink (part of the British Empire) when I was young, about time those that believe they know what they are doing running this counrty woke up and smelled the coffee.


Most of us know who cut the police by 20.000, plus the Armed forces and many ofther services, the goverment of the day. -now we need more of everything by those that cut the numbers ....

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2 hours ago, BAZZER RN 1 said:

Might join the Foreign Legion instead

Trouble is you joined the legion to forget and be forgotten
..... now I'm of the age where I have forgotten whatever it was that I was trying to forget 🙂


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Hi all, its not only the current government ! it is government of all flavours ! Its all to do with " net zero " My car tax has just increased (February) and my car insurance has also increased disproportionately !! The only persons getting new Electric cars are mainly companies and only because of the company tax incentives - The " System " has decided we are going " Carbon Neutral " AND we are going to have to pay for it !!!! China, India and the rest of the world can carry on as usual - but not UK - Oh no we have got to lead the world in this ridiculous race !! What a bunch of numpties.


OOooooPs the fun police will be after me 😒 

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