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Judder on take off gets worse when hot. Auto HR-V 1.6 2002

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Hello all. l was just wondering if anyone has had the same problem with their Honda car?  The automatic box works well apart from this juddering when starting from stationary. It is the same in reverse as it is going forward. Not apparent at all when Stone Cold, gets worse as the car gets hotter. So l think that precludes things like engine mounts, or box mounts. I think it needs a filter and fluid change. What do you think, am I right, or is there something more likely that you know of with the benefit of Honda experience? Please let me know, any help would be gratefully accepted.

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To be on the safe side and to eliminate a component that will need maintenance at some point then I would recommend a transmission fluid and filter change 
You at least can see how bad (if that is the case) the fluid and filter are

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