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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. It may need resetting but generally they usually reset once the correct pressure is in the tyres. Worth double checking the pressures using another gauge
  2. Hi Tony....welcome to the Forum I too believe that my CR-V is the best car I have ever owned, although I would say that I don't have much luck communicating with my onboard system....it doesn't understand a word I say 😞 Good to have you onboard Cheers . Trevor
  3. The Civic is a great car and lasts forever with the right maintenance. Feel free to start a new thread and I would be very interested to read about the various mods you carry out. Cheers, Trevor
  4. Hi James / Jim I personally drive a CR-V (3rd generation) and have to say it's probably the best car I have ever owned. What year is your Civic and what spec? Good to have you onboard Cheers . Trevor
  5. Hi Andy.....welcome to the Forum Wow....can't remember the last time I saw a CR-X in the flesh. Feel free to post up a pic or two of the CR-X. We'll see how many other owners of this rare marque are out there and see if we can arrange a meeting somewhere Cheers, Trevor
  6. Hi James...welcome to the Forum My very first thoughts are that the car probably has Keyless Entry and therefore the keys could be getting corrupted signals which could be switching the car off and then allowing it to power up with no faults registered. I would be tempted to use the other/spare key and see if the fault occurs with it. If it doesn't then problem solved, it if does then I would address it with Honda as a 'safety issue' as you should not have this occurring when driving, which it seems has not occurred as yet but may progress further. Please keep us informed of the progress with this one. Cheers, Trevor
  7. Hi Julian.....welcome to the Forum I have a 2007 model CRV and it has the upgraded head unit with SatNav but saying that it is not much use with respect to technology compared to what is available in the aftermarket. I have considered changing it to a double-din unit, either X-Trons or even better a Japanese unit (Sony, Panasonic, etc)....far better technology and functionality with SatNav and other features, handsfree phone calls, Bluetooth other devices, WiFi, etc. Here's a link to a company that provides aftermarket solutions: http://www.iceboxauto.com/honda Let us know how you get on with this issue and if you do replace with an aftermarket unit then let us know which one you go for. Cheer . Trevor
  8. Hi Malcolm....welcome to the Forum The Accord will eventually, like most other cars, become a classic and if in great condition and the fact that you are looking after it so well in its golden years, then it will surely realise some value over time. Either way, its a wonderful thing to have to tinker with and fettle to keep in good working order. Feel free to post up a photo of it on here if you like. Cheers, Trevor
  9. That would be a shame as the only other option would be LPG which would be cheaper to run the car on but would take some time to recoup the outlay
  10. Hi Keith...welcome to the Club You can place an advert on here if you like https://uk.hondaownersclub.com/forums/forum/57-buy-or-sell-honda-parts-accessories/ Cheers, Trevor
  11. Hi and welcome to the Club You can still get wiper refills (thin and thick) pick the right thickness and fit ..... usually cost around £5 for the pair Cheers, Trevor
  12. Hi Marv...welcome to the Forum That does seem a bit low....I would be tempted to go through a few things to improve the MPG....such as Spark Plugs, Air Filter, Engine Oil, all of which can improve the economy. After that, then I would consider taking the car on different runs to see where it improves....e.g. motorway versus Dual Carriageway, longer runs, etc. May also need a clear out by running some cleaning solution through the fuel and giving it a blast up the motorway. Depends on how the previous owner drove it and may not have given it enough of a clear out every so often.
  13. Hi Joe Bad luck about being hit before the dash cam is installed. Here is a link that should work https://www.drivn.co.uk/nextbase-dash-cam-hardwire-kit/
  14. Hi Craig....welcome to the Forum That is a very odd one, and probably best looked at by an auto-electrician if you have already checked everything through yourself. I cannot personally think of anything else to check if you have already gone through it all. Let us know what you find as would love to know what the problem was Cheers Trevor
  15. You don't need to remove the turbo as you run it through with it in situ. There are several different kits available so worth looking to see which one suits you best. Let us know how you get on with it
  16. Hi Joe....welcome to the Forum I also own a CRV and have to say its the best car I've owned. Good to have you onboard Cheers, Trevor
  17. Hi Andy....welcome to the Forum Sorry, can't be of any help to you as it would be something quite specific that either someone who has fitted one in the past or someone who works in the car audio industry may be able to help you. Good to have you onboard Cheers . Trevor
  18. Hi Tom....welcome to the Forum I'm going to go for Turbo vanes gummed up as this is quite common with high carbon content within the engine/turbo blocking the movement of the variable turbo vanes. Would recommend a Turbo cleaning kit (available on eBay) to run through and see how that works. Additionally, if this cures it or even partially cures it then I would recommend a complete carbon clean out of the engine (Terraclean) or similar which would clear out the EGR, etc which could also affect the acceleration. The finally, an Italian tune up with good quality fuel always helps 🙂 Let us know how you get on with it all Cheers . Trevor
  19. Not an ideal situation but at least for diagnostic purposes then it is what needs to be done. I would ensure that all lights (including boot light) are switched off and if it does go flat again then I'm sure they'll quickly find the fault
  20. Trevor


    Try some glass glue (not superglue as when it hardens it can crack glass) or otherwise you used to be able to get mirror self adhesive pads (not sure is you can still get them) Try Halfords to see what they have in stock
  21. Hi Berni Cannot believe that a 2018 Honda would actually be suffering from this type of fault. I also cannot believe it could be a short circuit or similar taking a drain.....except for the addition of a hard wired Dashcam possibly? I would be suspecting the battery (may have internal short circuit across the plates/bad cell) Let us know what it turns out to be Cheers Trevor
  22. Oh well....back to the drawing board!
  23. Thanks for keeping me in the loop...look forward to hearing the outcome
  24. Yep, seems about right...Honda are way behind with their SatNavs and on-board electronics (e.g. Voice Control, SatNav, etc) compared to other vehicle manufacturers. Shame, because the cars are awesome but they could do with enhancing their infotainment systems to come into the 21st century. Good luck with it all
  25. Hi Boris...welcome to the Club I think you'll find that the version you have is the latest one...I could only find a 2016 version to update mine as the latest one. It will mostly still work okay as I am currently running a 2007 version and it is fine in the UK as not much has occurred in the way of new motorways and A roads, however in Europe it is way outdated and would suggest using a SatNav (TomTom, etc) to navigate your route. Cheers, Trevor
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