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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. 🙂
  2. Mopar muscle for me! would love a 1969/70 Challenger or Charger 440 or 426 Hemi..... .....note to oneself - play the lottery tonight 🙂
  3. So the trick is to not have it posted but sent by FedEx courier instead? Did not know that, that's where I was going wrong then. A 69 Chevelle, holy moly !!! would love one of those....in fact any early American Muscle Car would be ideal now
  4. Probably the best and most economical way to drive it
  5. Yes agree! Had a few Honda bikes over the years and as you say they are equally as good quality
  6. That's really handy to know.....will look up costs on FedEx later today 🙂 Bought a back panel (light and thin but width of the car) for my 71 Mustang years back and go hit with a huge bill from UK Customs for import duties which cost more than the panel itself. Saying that, I ordered something from Ford UK and took 5 days, this panel took 4 days from door to door - almost fell over when it turned up so quick 🙂 CR-V components would I imagine be standard across the board in most respects apart from LHD compared to RHD steering/suspension components. Beyond that, I would probably compare part numbers but if the same then its got to be cheaper to ship it in sometimes.
  7. It may be that the screen is not fully closed. Maybe keep a gentle pressure on the open button whilst very gently applying some leverage to open it at the same time (fingernail behind the screen panel and just enough pressure to depress the button)? If not, then power down the battery and reconnect which may default the screen to reset and open
  8. Hi Bil65 ..... welcome to the Club I have also heard the HR-V is underpowered and noisy but definitely fit for purpose (unless you intend to tow a caravan, etc). Colour is definitely a personal choice and to be honest I would look at the one you 'could live with' as opposed to the most desirable colour (especially with lack of new car availability at this time) Let us know how it all pans out
  9. Hi Lord_Protector .... welcome to the Club Also an ex-MG Rover fan but strangely enough never delved into Honda around that time. Got older and Honda seemed to be the 'sensible' choice in comparison to the crazy cars (very similar to those in your list). Good to have you onboard!
  10. Have been thinking about getting parts for my Harley direct from the states as prices so much cheaper and better range, but not sure on the import duty costs though?
  11. Good to hear it is progressing with new service parts.....hopefully this will resolve the stalling issue
  12. Hi Raiters .... welcome to the Club To be fair, it could be any one of these suggested faults but you need to focus on when it first started and looking at what was removed and refitted at that time (maybe a loose hoseclip or sensor not connected properly. Also, if it is related to throttle opening and engine load then a remap at a local tuning company may be able to smooth out the juddering. Diff oil change relates to turning into a driveway and there is a juddering and slight knocking noise at very low speed only (e.g. max 5 mph) Check the oil level and top up if necessary to ensure no damage results from low levels in the sump (but also check the oil is not too diluted in which case you could have an injector fault)
  13. The later models (3rd Generation CR-V) tend to display light surface corrosion on the underside but have never seen it turn to deep set corrosion such as holes in the floor/chassis area. If you do get a later CR-V then it may be worth getting the underside treated with Waxoyl as this prevents any corrosion taking hold....about £100 to £150 but worth every penny
  14. Hi Nevuk .....welcome to the Club
  15. florin_cars ...... true on both accounts I would say
  16. Had the airbag igniters replaced on my CR-V and also my X-Trail and both took less than 1 hour. Honda went to dealership and Nissan the RAC came out to my workplace
  17. Interesting article from Honda https://hondanews.eu/gb/en/cars/media/pressreleases/361316/honda-etechnology-translator-cuts-through-the-electric-vehicle-terminlogy-confusion?utm_campaign=NewsAlert_5122&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=hondanews.eu
  18. Silicon spray is quite safe to use unlike WD40 as it is not oil based and you can liberally spray it under the dash
  19. Hi....welcome to the Club There are many different bulbs made by Osram, Philips, etc that are far superior to the standard bulbs and produce greater output with a clearer colour (e.g. blue) Halfords have plenty of bulbs in stock but be prepared to pay quite a bit more than the standard ones though Equally, they will last longer in service as well so money well spent
  20. This is true, and the Lexus forums I know are buzzing. The more posts on here would rank the site higher in Google searches so I guess with more posts the site would be more 'viewable' to the masses. I still maintain that forums are still the way forwards as social media is very transient, the info is there one day and gone the next 😞
  21. 🙂 I guess you could introduce some silicon spray into the linkages, flaps, etc if possible to quieten it down?
  22. What symptoms are being caused by the engine mounts being worn/broken? Also is any movement being displayed by either the top or bottom mounts (tested when pulling away)?
  23. Wow! that's big money and I guess because it is a diesel engine that it is more desirable in France, not so much the case in the UK though
  24. Tolerance clearances have changed with the temperature I guess.....at least you'll know how cold it is by the level of noise the car makes 🙂
  25. Hi Morrisman68 .....welcome to the Club My first thoughts would be idle control valve and inlet system....second thoughts were Coolant Temp Sensor. Since both have now been eliminated then I would recommend the replacement of all filters, fluids (especially engine oil as this can lower compressions if diluted or degraded over the years) and ignition components (e.g. spark plugs) Go from there and see what else occurs
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