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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Here is a link to a few bits of info to connect in Apple Play https://www.google.com/search?q=honda+cr-v+2018+apple+play&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB935GB935&ei=mkU_YfinBIb4gQbk1a-ABQ&oq=honda+cr-v+2018+apple+play&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCggAEAgQDRAKEB46BwgAEEcQsAM6BggAEA0QCjoICAAQCBAHEB46CggAEAgQBxAKEB46CggAEA0QBRAKEB5KBAhBGABQ-OgBWN_tAWCx8AFoAXACeACAAUKIAbwCkgEBNZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwj43Kie-_vyAhUGfMAKHeTqC1AQ4dUDCA4&uact=5
  2. Hi hardleygangerous ... welcome to the Club!
  3. Hi Duc de Pommfrit....welcome to the Club! Fine looking CR-V.....where is the backdrop location?
  4. Hi Kelv....welcome to the Club!
  5. Hi Rick....welcome to the Club Did you get any result on the head gasket?
  6. Great news Andy! Proves what a great car the CR-V really is šŸ™‚
  7. Here is the specs for transmission fluids https://applications.castrol.com/oilselector/en_gb/c/recommendation?vehicleType=cars&manufacturer=honda-(eu)&model=cr-v-iv-re6-rm-(2011-2018)&modelType=cr-v-1-6i-dtec-4wd-(118-kw)-(2015-2018)
  8. Hi.....welcome to the Club The Legend is a superb car but proving hard to find parts for nowadays. Yours looks in great condition and should give trouble free motoring for years as long as it is routinely maintained. Good to have you onboard!
  9. Hi Pete.....welcome to the Club It would not be a viable option unfortunately as would be cost prohibitive and also a lot of bespoke work to adapt the engine to run with a turbo. A better option would be to have a 'remap' which works with the Engine control unit to release more power. Very simple and cheap option but with a noticeable outcome
  10. Not really just a measurement in movement on the flywheel components but you can only do this with the transmission removed
  11. PGM-Fi is the engine management system
  12. Hi....welcome to the Club If you have replaced the batteries and also tried the recoding then it may be an issue with the central locking system but if the locksmith is coming out then if he cannot programme a new key it may well be the control unit. Let us know how you get on with it
  13. Hi.....welcome to the Club I would definitely take it into the dealer to carry out the software update as this may be the reason for the warning lamps which effectively could shut down certain systems until rectified
  14. I think you need to activate the Road Sign recognition app within the vehicle. Should be able to access it through the infotainment display panel on the dash
  15. ??? could do with some more information...such as when it occurs, recent maintenance history or work carried out
  16. Sorry, should state the procedure is for resetting the AC system. The engine management will require a code reader capable of resetting the light Plenty of cheap ones out there that run off bluetooth through your mobile phone Here's one from eBay ELM327
  17. Hi....welcome to the Club Have you considered an aftermarket bespoke ECU such as Emerald? https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=engine+management+ECU&_sacat=0
  18. Have you considered if it is a worn Dual Mass Flywheel (DMF) as this can result in a shudder on start up and extreme clunking for a short period on shutting the engine down?
  19. Hi Lisa.....welcome to the Club The battery should be in perfect charge condition at all times for the vehicle to function correctly. If the car hasn't been used much (especially if only used for short journeys) during lockdown periods then the battery will deteriorate and lead to sulphation. It could probably be reconditioned using a special battery conditioner (much like a battery charger) which will desulphate the battery and return it to almost original condition
  20. You could try something like this for coil springs https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=coil+spring+assisters&_sacat=0
  21. You will also need the immobiliser ECU as well (small white or grey box from memory) I carried out the same job quite a few years ago and got a secondhand ignition switch, chip reader and ECU with replacement key for the ignition. Worked as soon as I plugged it all in as it recognised the components working in sync which is how it would have on the vehicle the parts came from
  22. Hi....welcome to the Club It should be a similar switch to the cruise control, probably same vicinity in the vehicle?
  23. Hi...welcome to the Club Most aftermarket air cleaner and intake systems will fit with the correct hoses. Do make sure you get a cold air intake system so as not to draw hot underbonnet air which will actually decrease the power from the engine
  24. I believe it was this same method (or something very similar that I used on my CR-V 2.2 (2007) model after replacing the relay and resetting the engine management light. Worked a treat!
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